Tuesday, June 16, 2015

An AWESOME Week.....

This past week we had an amazing team stay here at the seminary! Rosa and I tagged along their whole trip! (Thanks guys!)

So the first thing we did with them was go to a village called Fev. We went to Fev because there was a small group of our seminary students on a missions trip, and we were going to get a little taste of what they were doing there. We drove part of the way, and hiked the rest!!! 

 We walked around all morning evangelizing, until lunch.

 After lunch, we hung-out with the students for an hour, then we walked to an open area for VBS!
(This is Rosa with some children from the village...)

I was put in charge of ten kids- nine girls and one boy. 
(That poor little boy!)

After crafts, they gathered together in one big group. I think that there were over 100 kids!

Me and some of my girls...

On the second day, we went back to Fev! We went from house to house praying for people and sharing the Gospel.... I loved it.

 We explored the area in search of a voodoo temple to show the team, (after Junior told us some of Haiti's history and how voodoo is tied into it).

 And we found one. On a nearby tree we found this...

 While evangelizing, we came across this little one!

 We did VBS again the second day too!
There was a set of twins that came, and here is one of them!

One thing I enjoyed about Fev was that I got to see some of the students again!
This is William, one of the guys that practiced English with me at the seminary.

 The next day, we piled into a tap-tap (form of transportation like a taxi, except its a truck), and we went to one of the best hospitals in northern Haiti called Haiti Hospital. After taking a tour, we prayed over every patient in the rehabilitation center!

The view from the tap-tap was gorgeous.
I. love. this. mountain.

 We also visited a place called "Emmaus House" which is a place for orphans after they leave their orphanage. It is a place set up to help them become independent!
To find out more about Emmaus House go to this link:

The next organization we visited was an orphanage called "Streethearts"!
We did crafts with the kids all morning, including bracelet making!
Here's the link to there website:

 I actually ended up with three of these bracelets, given to me by the sweet kids at the orphanage!

The next day, we went back to Streethearts! Except this time, we took a field trip with the kids to a nearby basketball court!

 Rosa and I hung out with the team and watched the kids play!

We are basically the coolest people in the world.
Totally kidding by the way...  (:

Here are two kids I hung out with that day!

Later that day, we went to a town called Petit Anse for a basketball game with Streethearts! The team's church donated outfits for the kids to wear! (The purple and yellow are Streethearts kids!)

Watching the game and talking with friends was really fun!!!

That Sunday, some of us went to Fev for church! 
Here I am walking there...

The service was beautiful, led by our very own students...

 But unfortunately the week had to come to a close. They left a little over a week ago... sad right? We will miss you guys Sooooooooooo much!!!

Thanks for reading my blog!

Stay tuned!