As you all know Christmas is almost here, so it's time for decorating! Since we didn't have very many decorations, we decided to make some out of leftover wood from "Phil's Workshop"! Here are some step by step directions. . .
Step #1: Pick out wood. . .
Step #2: Have dad and Ethan cut/sand the wood. . .
Step #3 (optional): Have Dad cut designs into them. . .
Step #4: Paint them!
Step #5 (optional): Draw cool patterns. . .
Step #6: Place around the house!
Speaking of Christmas decorations. . . we put up our Christmas tree the night of O.M.S. Thanksgiving!
I think this is my favorite ornament. . .
I guess I'm due for an update on Cally's kittens!
They are doing quite well, and are becoming very playful (especially in the Christmas tree!).
And here is my little Cheetah. . . cute as ever!
Three of the kittens just went to their new homes... we miss them already! Fortunately they are keeping Rosie! :)
Recently we decided to try and make mozzarella cheese with a cheese making kit we bought online! It ended up working great, and we even tried it on pizza and it tastes great too! Anyway, here it is. . .!
My dad is getting pretty good at welding and he has been learning to make a lot of cool designs. He made this little patio for the cafeteria and welded the gate!
Beautiful, huh?
(Its not quite finished getting painted.. just wait until you see the final project!)
Well I guess that's it for right now!
Stay tuned for more blogs about our life in Haiti!
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