Only about a month after I got here, I noticed how fat all the female goats were getting.
I asked my dad if they were pregnant and he told me goats ate a lot and that they were probably just fat.
But he didn't look at them. One day I asked him to come visit the goats with me, and when he got there he said these words: "Wow, these goats are definitely pregnant."
We waited and waited and waited for baby goats-for what felt forever!- and finally, one of the least
expected goats, had her kids a couple weeks ago!
But not only one goat had babies…
(These pictures are two hours after the birth!)
But, again, not only two goats had kids…
(These pictures were taken two days after birth)
The white one came right up to me, so close I could reach out and pick it up!
And again, not only three goats had kids…
(These pictures are from the point of birth till ten minutes after!)
This time I actually got to witness the birth!
Within fifteen minutes from the birth, the mom had licked the babies clean, the babies had started
walking, and the mom was walking around like nothing ever even happened! I think its amazing how God designed nature to take care of it's self so well!
I'm sure you want to hear how Pepper is doing, right? Well he is doing great! He and Boone are best friends now too! The Grosses even brought their new puppy, Buddy, over to my house to play,
and the whole time, Buddy and Pepper were wrestling and chasing each other! Even though Pepper loves to play he still sleeps a lot…
Under the bed...
In my lap...
Even in dirty laundry…
Pepper is a very funny dog…
Every time I get out my camera Pepper always poses…
Whenever I look up I see birds flying overhead. But I never actually realized what kind of birds were flying above me. One day I looked up and saw a flock of what looked like plain blackbirds, but when they swooped down towards me, I realized they were parrots! Their bodies were a beautiful green color with bright red wings! And again yesterday I looked out from the porch and saw this beautiful bird…
I don't know if you can tell but the bird's head and belly are bright orange, his neck has a ring of light grey feathers, and the rest of his body is denim blue!
I love how I have so many opportunities to experience nature here in Haiti!
Well I hope you enjoyed this post, and maybe next time I can take a picture
of those beautiful parrots!